Saturday, July 10, 2010

Owl Cracker

I love owls. They’re adorable as babies – or owlets, as the ornithologically-inclined among us would say – and still cute even as full-grown killing machines. If I could be any bird, it would definitely be an owl. To glide on silent wings, to spot prey in pitch-black conditions, to look nonplussed without even trying…it’s the ultimate. So I thought, why not develop a snack to celebrate owls? After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Owl Cracker


1 sesame rice cracker

1 jar of almond butter, preferably fresh ground

2 semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 long-ass chocolate chip

1 dried cherry (a raisin would do as well, or a sliver of dried apricot) (optional)

Note: I found my weird chip in a bag of Nestle chips. I don’t have a goddamn clue about how long it will take you to find yours; you might consider purchasing several bags of different brands and sifting through them all beforehand.

Preheat oven to 400o. Dip rice cracker one-third of its length into almond butter jar, just skimming the top. Don’t dig in like it’s fucking bean dip, be conservative. Nestle the two chocolate chips about pinky-width apart in the almond butter. (If you have big-ass hands, don’t use your fucking pinky as a measure.) Next get that funky chocolate chip and place it where an owl’s beak would be. Finish with the dried cherry on top of the almond butter. Serve.

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